When and Why Did You Decide to Go Natural?

I decided 2 go natural 3 years ago...becuz my mom went this hair dresser and she lemme know how heat really damages ur hair. but b4 dat I had embraced my hair and loved its natural state, BUt I hadn't fully committed to going completely natural.
Who Does Your Hair Mostly, i.e. hairdresser, aunty, Yourself, e.t.c.?
my aunt does most of the braiding and cornrowing, anything else done by me (the rolling, twisting, etc)
What Are Your "IT" Hair Products?
as far as "it" hair products...i really don't know.... but one thing I try to do overtime I was my hair, is to condition it w/ and egg and conditoner(occasionally mayonaise) mixture...or if I have that hair mayonaisse , I use that...there's also this oil I ted to use, its like a 5 in 1 oil...
Who Is Your Natural Hair Inspiration?
well im inspired by many ppl. india arie, janelle monae....i just see a hairstyle I lyk, and try to reproduce it, in natural way
Words of Wisdom to Natural Hair Folks or Those Considering It.
words of wisdom: embrace ur natural hair...i say the coarser the better because it becomes far more versatile. and direct heat is not meant for hair, so do u hair a favor and treat it w/ love...(=D)

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